How a session goes – in pictures

We start the child where they are most comfortable. With a child who is sitting, we often begin sitting on or near his parent or caregiver. For a younger child, we may start lying down. This is the beginning of face-to-face communication and body mapping.

The lesson proceeds with the practitioner observing what a child is doing. He is allowed space to move on his own in a comfortable environment.

Providing hands-on information
The child is beginning to feel his foot on the floor from crawling. The practitioner adds kinesthetic input. He gains a new sense of his body and balance.

Moving to a new position
After lifting one foot, the child lifts the other foot and begins to come up to standing changing his relationship with his environment

Each session includes teaching the parent or caregivers ways to support the child’s development. The parent is using body mapping and deep pressure to help her child feel his body while standing.

Including the family
We include other family members in our sessions. This child is watching his twin sister as she explores and also receives some body mapping as she stands.